China: Machine Learning Developer Recruitment 图 | Photo:LEYN/GETTY IMAGES 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)正公开招募机器学习开发员一名,待遇优厚,如果您希望提升国际视野,参与全球知识产权服务工作,请仔细阅读下述信息。 The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is openly recruiting a Machine Learning Developer. If you want to improve your international vision and participate in global intellectual property services, please read the following information carefully. 岗位名称:机器学习开发员 岗位部门:基础设施和平台部门,全球数据库司,高级技术应用中心(ATAC) 岗位级别:P2 合同期限:1年(基于工作表现等情况可续签,总聘期不超过2年) 工作地点:瑞士日内瓦 申请截止日期:2024年10月14日,11:59:00 PM (欧洲中部夏令时间) Position: Machine Learning Developer Sector: Advanced Technology Applications Center (ATAC), Global Databases Division, Infrastructure and Platforms Sector Grade: P2 Contract Duration: 1 year (maximum cumulative length of 2 years) Duty Station: CH-Geneva Application Deadline: 14-Oct-2024, 11:59:00 PM (CEST) 1. 机构设置 Organizational Context 2. 岗位职责 Duties and Responsibilities 3. 岗位要求 Requirements 4. 组织能力 Organizational Competencies 5. 薪资 Annual salary 请通过下方链接访问产权组织官网以获取关于该岗位的机构设置、岗位职责、岗位要求、组织能力等方面的详细信息。 Please visit WIPO official website for detailed information on the organizational context, duties and responsibilities, requirements, organizational competencies concerning the incumbent via the following link. Machine Learning Developer: https://wipo.taleo.net/careersection/wp_2/jobdetail.ftl?job=24331-TA&tz=GMT%2B08%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FShanghai |
湖南日报10月17日讯(通讯员 高其胜 陈鑫 全媒体记者 刘镇